Time for a holiday?
How about one where you return looking and feeling better than ever? Join us for an island holiday escape filled with healthy food choices, challenging training regimes, fresh juices by the poolside, traditional Thai massages and a network of similar – minded people.
Prepare to detox and reignite your fitness goals, or simply relax and rejuvenate in your own private deluxevilla, just moments away from all that Thailand has to offer.

Fitness, Muay Thai and MMA Packages available
Boutique accommodation situated in the heart of Phuket leading world class thriving fitness district. Customised fitness programs for beginner to advance level.
Your aspirations are our passion; we will tailor a program that can include;
- HIIT ( high intensity interval training)
- Crossfit
- Muay Thai
- Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
- Brazilian JuJitzu (BJJ)
- Spinning
- Tailored weight loss programs
- Nutrition & meal planning
- Meditation
- Yoga / Hot Yoga
Fitness Packages Include
- Accommodation in Boutique Resort
- Airport Transfer
- Unlimited Training in group sessions of your choice
- 2 Private Muay Thai Sessions per week
- 2 Thai Massages per week
- Personal nutrition plan (tailored to your aspired vision)
- Personalised Meal Plan Including 5 Meals a Day
- All Inclusive packages offered per 1 week / 2 weeks / 1 month / 3 months
- Prices available on request